An Introduction to Bun.js: A Lightweight JavaScript Library for HTML Manipulation
Bun.js is a lightweight JavaScript library that makes it easy to create and manipulate HTML elements using a jQuery-like syntax. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to get started with Bun.js:
Include the Bun.js library in your HTML file. You can either download the library and host it on your own server, or use a CDN (Content Delivery Network) to include it from a remote server. Here’s an example using the CDN provided by Unpkg:
<script src=""></script>
Once you’ve included the library, you can start using Bun.js to manipulate your HTML. The first thing you’ll need to do is select an element to work with. You can do this using the $ function, which works much like jQuery’s $ function. For example, to select the first div element on the page, you would do:
var div = $(’div:first’);
Now that you have a reference to the div element, you can manipulate it in various ways. For example, you can change its text content using the text function:
div.text(’Hello, world!’);
You can also change its HTML content using the html function:
div.html(’<strong>Hello, world!</strong>’);
If you want to add a new element to the page, you can use the append function. For example, to add a new p element to the div, you would do:
div.append(’<p>This is a new paragraph.</p>’);
You can also use Bun.js to handle events, such as when a user clicks on an element. To do this, you can use the on function. For example, to handle a click event on the div, you would do:
div.on(’click’, function() {
alert(’The div was clicked.’);
Finally, if you want to remove an element from the page, you can use the remove function. For example, to remove the div from the page, you would do:
That’s a basic introduction to using Bun.js to manipulate HTML elements using JavaScript. With its jQuery-like syntax and lightweight footprint, it’s a great choice for simple web projects or when you don’t want to use the full jQuery library.